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    After Z-Hacks I wanted to expand my experience with Next.js. I still needed to build a portfolio site which led me to this repo: Tailwind Nextjs Starter Blog, an awesome blog template by timlrx based on Next.js and Tailwind-CSS. I was instantly sold and clicked that fork button.
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    While browsing hackathons on Devpost I came across Z-Hacks. A hackathon organized by ZARC. ZARC is an international-wide initiative that provides students a platform to solve problems they are facing. This was my first ever hackathon so i jumped right in and searched for team members.
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    In the world of DevOps, containers are all the rage. One of the technologies that drives this revolution is Docker. To manage Docker virtual environments, a comprehensive interface is needed. While the command line offers everything that might be needed, an intuitive graphical interface can give newcomers the confi...
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    Orbid is a Belgian IT consultancy company. On the 21st April, they held an IT training day for up and coming IT-consultants. This workshop would introduce us to Orbid, and how they run their IT Traineeships for multiple roles within Orbid.